As I’ve been sitting here by myself, alone, in this empty new house, :0) I’ve been thinking about how much I take my parents for granted. (I really don’t like using such common place words “take for granted” to describe that, but that’s all I can come up with for the moment.) My parents love each other, they love me, and most importantly they love the Lord. That right there is enough to praise God for. Nowadays there is probably a very small percentage of parents you could say that about. I’m already way more blessed than a lot of people out there. Yet somehow I still manage to complain about my parents sometimes. How ridiculous!

I haven’t had much time to notice it yet, but I have already started to see since I’ve moved out, how much things cost, and my parents were willing to spend a lot of time and money to raise me. They even consider it a joy! They give me godly, helpful advice that I don’t always want to listen to, because I stupidly think that I know better than them. Their rules and such played no part at all in the decision to move out, but nonetheless, I didn’t always want to follow them. Yet they had certain rules in place only because they love me and sought to teach me how to make wise decisions.

I’ve just got to say…I love my parents! Mike and Jackie….Dad and Mom…..Poppala and Mother of Pearl (their card shark names….don’t ask). God knew what He was doing when He gave them to me.

For all of you out there who don’t take time to thank God regularly for the parents He gave you, stop and do it! He has commanded us to honor our parents and He has told us to thank Him for everything. And James 1:17 says that “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”