I think I could listen to piano music for hours. Especially when I can hear a friend play in person. There's just something about it.
I found out in recent years that I am absolutely not a natural when it comes to playing musical instruments. A depressing discovery seeing as I have played the piano since I was in the fourth grade, when my Grandma bought us a Baldwin. I can read music, slowly, but I can't just sit down and play a piece off the top of my head. Sure I memorized a few when I was younger for recitals, but they all left my brain and my muscle memory long ago. Nevertheless, I love to sit down (with music) and play. I've also found it's a nice way to relax at the end of a long day.
That being said, Erin gave Emily a book about a month ago that has chords for a heapful of classic rock songs. (Emily plays the guitar now. For awhile I said that "Emily is learning to play the guitar" but I think she is beyond that now. For sure.) The three of us along with Sarah (am I allowed to let this out?) will get together every now and then for the particular purpose of...well...jamming. I mainly watch and listen, but I enjoy it. It's opened up a new apect of music to me, playing with other people! So now, on my own, I am trying to kinda teach myself how to improvise with chords. We'll see how it goes. (Did I mention that Sarah is really good at piano??)