If you've heard me say it once, you've heard (or will hear) me say it a million times. I love Fall! Which I interchange with the word Autumn. Sometimes I like one word better than the other. I like to say, "Fall weather." But I'm not sure if I like "Fall music," or "Autumn music" better. But that's not the point of this post.
Yesterday was the PERFECT day. I decided that God can't make everyday be like that or else I'd already think I was in Heaven. Okay, I wouldn't go that far, but I really really really love days like that. It started out with clouds and rain. But not just any kind of clouds. Dark thunderstormy looking clouds. The clouds that look like they're pregnant and about to pop! Then in the afternoon it started to clear. Bright, blue, crisp sky with white puffy clouds. And at evening time there was a delicious breeze and when the sun began to set there was pink and gold. But weather is not really the point of this post either.
The point of this post is to let you in on my Fall playlist. Season's need a particular sound. Which is why I SAVE CHRISTMAS MUSIC FOR CHRISTMAS!!! Ah, there...got that out. Right now is the perfect time for Bluegrass! Music that makes me want to go outside and rake leaves and jump in them, buy big old pumpkins and carve them, bake yummy honey cornbread and put on fuzzy socks and wrap myself in a blanket and sip apple cider. Oh my word.
Onto the playlist:
Although I'm not thrilled, to say the least, with the Dixie Chicks personality as a whole, I do love this album. And I listened to it in Autumn way back in high school when I was just starting to realize that I had a favorite season. I even remember an outfit I wore one day in high school when I went to Lombardy to get a pumpkin and I was listening to this album. Is that weird? I was wearing white chords. Yep. White. And a pale blue turtleneck. And probably some warm coat. Mmm. Cowboy Take Me Away is a classic. And Hole in My Head is just fun.

I've been listening to Nickel Creek since...I think college actually. Maybe high school. Thanks to Christen. We've seen them in person a few different times, my favorite place being Largo. Small little restaurant in LA somewhere. Wondeful ravioli.

I first heard Alison Krauss, unbeknownst to me that it was her, in the movie, Oh Brother Where Art Thou? She sang some classic gospel songs like Down to the River to Pray and I'll Fly Away for the soundtrack. I liked her...and then I found out who she was and I gave one of her albums to my mom for her birthday. I think she has a beautiful quality to her voice.

Very new find, through Pandora. Like 'em.

I first heard about Patty Griffin a few years ago when our friend told Em and me about her song, O Heavenly Day. I loved this song, but I never checked out the rest of her music and I forgot her name. Well, the other day Em and I bought tickets to take my mom to see Emmylou Harris at the Greek Theater and Patty Griffin and Buddy Miller were opening for her. I read their names and hoped they would be good, then Em told me who Patty Griffin was. And oh my goodness! I loved every song she did! Then I went home and listened to more of her songs on Grooveshark and now I just want to go and buy all her albums!

Then some non Bluegrass honorable mentions:
Norah Jones
James Taylor
There you go! Enjoy!
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